Zacchaeus, Come down. Hurry, because I am to stay at your house today.’ (Lk 19: 5)

We are now in the eleventh Sunday of Pentecost, the Sunday of Jesus Christ’s visit to the tax collector, Zacchaeus, to change him and transform him into a new man who has rid himself of his old image.

The Lord’s meeting with Zacchaeus was not a coincidence. That man who was a tax collector for the Romans knew that the Master would pass along that road. Hisdesire to know Jesus made him climb a sycamore tree because he was too short so he could catch a glimpse of him. The Lord, however, caught Zacchaeus by surprise as he entered, by himself, the world of that man as soon as he spotted him. Jesus looked at him and told him that he would like to stay at his place, yet Zacchaeus had not asked him for anything.
Jesus knows that removing a tumour can only be done through a delicate surgery, and that this surgery needs a skilled physician equipped with sterile instruments and enough time to carry it out successfully. This was what Jesus did to Zacchaeus, the owner of the house. He stayed at his place long enough to treat him because he saw his desire to know him and to respond to him and fulfil his request with joy.

How happy that man was! His heart was touched by the kindness of that physician, Jesus, who healed him and he repented. Through that healing, he reclaimed his life which had been torn between the wrath of the Jews, the hatred of the Pharisees and the contempt of the people for him. He removed the cause of his shame by returning to each person their right twofold and distributing money to the poor.

We are called to reflect on our daily reality to purify it from impurities and mistakes, transforming it from a reali-ty of sin to a state of grace, turning the place we are staying in into a place of blessing so the Lord tells us that he would dwell in it to break our daily bread with him and to make him share in our joy. Do we really overcome all the difficulties in life to reach salvation through Jesus Christ like Zacchaeus the tax collector did?

On Tuesday 31 July, our Maronite Church celebrates the feast of the 350 Maronite martyrs who were disciples of Saint Maroun. Those monks who adhered to their Christian faith and were martyred in defending it were a sign of holiness and light.
The celebrations of our parish feast are drawing near. It is a time for us with Mary as we meet her and gather around her, praying to God to protect, through her intercession, our youth who are the hope and future of our Church and parish. Together we pray to her saying “Embrace our Youth O Morning Star.” The program of the spiritual and temporal celebrations is available at the entrance of the church. We invite you to participate in the celebrations so together we live the joy of the feast as one united family.

Fr Tony Sarkis

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