The Church vs The World – Fixing Catholic Boredom

We have reached the 5th Week of Pentecost in our Maronite Church this week. This Sunday’s Gospel speaks about the authority given to the 12 disciples to continue the work of Christ within the world: to proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And since then, the laying of hands upon candidates for the priesthood has seen the passing down of this great responsibility. If we can somewhat, try to comprehend this mystery, we can then appreciate what it is that the clergy do and who they bring to us.

Boredom is a side effect of our fast-paced, materialistic culture. We feel bored because we are constantly being over-stimulated and sold on the idea that we can have it all now and that something better is always around the corner. As rational human beings, we must realise that this is neither true or sustainable. If we are sincerely seeking Christ, we will find Him through the Church He founded. We will also come to the realisation that it is only Christ who doesn’t change and never will. He is the one who sustains us, because He is the way, the Truth and the Life.

The world offers celebrities to idolise, but the Church offers saints to follow. The world offers noise, but the Church offers peace. The world offers false, unrealistic dreams, but the Church offers the Truth. The world offers and celebrates the vices, the Church offers a life of virtue and holiness. The world offers earthly pleasures, but the Church offers eternity in Heaven. What the Church offers is reality and what the world offers is nothing but false hopes and dreams. At what cost do we sell our souls to the temporary, here today, gone tomorrow concept? Is the earthly human lifespan worthy of the eternity that is to follow? This is not to say that the temporal goods of the world are not needed or not useful, no indeed we need them but how much attention we give them and the level of importance we place upon them needs to be examined. If they are affecting our relationship with Jesus, then we need an instant re-examination of them and of our attachment to them.

At the Gala Fundraiser this year, a new model of the Church, that the Stewardship committee presented has caused a bit of an upset and has started some heated discussion regarding it. Please be assured that your passion and love for the Parish, on all levels, is to be highly commended. Furthermore, any possible changes and renovations that will occur will be done so through discussion and negotiation. Every parishioner’s opinion is highly valued and respected and if anyone has any comments, please do not be afraid to email any of the clergy or staff regarding any issue. Discussion is the key to providing the best possible services to the people of God whose care we have been entrusted with.

I ask that you also keep our 2nd group of First Holy Communion students and their families in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Lord for the very first time this Sunday. I wish you all a blessed and fruitful week ahead.

Fr Tony Sarkis

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