This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!

“Listen to Him”. A very simple message and a calling that we all want to follow when we place ourselves at the mercy of God. Young men and women who offer their lives to the service of the Gospel and the Church, are living examples of the Faith, Hope and Love that Jesus personified, and we are very blessed in our Parish family to see these holy vocations growing around us. Last weekend Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral was host to the Seminarians from Vianney College in Wagga Wagga. We were privileged to share our Maronite Liturgy and hospitality with these young men preparing for the Priesthood, and to welcome our own Maronite Seminarians – Dory Zaouk and Michael Boudaher - who study with them also.

The atmosphere at OLOL is buzzing away with excitement in preparation for Feast Week, and it promises to be more than just one week of activities. Our celebrations actually begin on Thursday 13th August and continue until Sunday 23rd August, so you have many opportunities to be involved in numerous ways throughout the festivities. Please encourage your families and friends to join us in celebrating one of the most memorable feasts of the Maronite Church – the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Wellspring of Life. Make sure you check the calendar of events for every day of Feast Week, so you don’t miss out on the traditional and cultural experience of celebrating with us. Banners and flowers have adorned the church, but not without the generous help of our faithful committees and loyal friends, for whom this has been a task that required much perseverance and patience. We are truly grateful for all your hard work and tireless efforts in preparing the grounds and buildings for this major annual event.

Please continue to pray for our Community and for all its members, so that we may be united in heart and spirit, for the Glory of God. May His Blessings be upon you and your families always.

Fr Tony Sarkis

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