Where are the Equal Rights of Children?

Dear Parishioners, Regarding the change in the definition in marriage there are different reasons why people hold to the views of traditional marriage.

There are reasons from our Catholic faith perspective, defending the sanctity of marriage. However there are also reasons from a non-Christian perspective and the two overlap in areas. To be effective voices of truth in these modern times we need to be aware of both of these and the appropriate audience to express them.

The faith perspective reasons are for Catholics and Christians who might agree with changing the meaning of marriage. The non – faith reasons are for all, and especially for those who don’t believe in God.

The Catholic faith perspective arguments are included in our Bishop’s Message (Feature article) and the Pastoral Letter of the Australian Catholic Bishop’s titled “Don’t Mess with Marriage” which you can find easily online at https://www.catholic.org.au/acbc-media/media-centre/mediareleases-new/1687-same-sex-marriage-pastoral-letter-web-version.

The central reason and not necessarily faith based is: Where are the “Rights of Children” in this “Equal Rights for same sex marriage” debate? Do these “equal rights” include the right to for “same sex couples” to have and raise children? If so what about the natural and psychological rights of children to be raised by a mum and dad? This is a core issue for the long term good of humanity. You just need to read the articles now coming out about the long term effects on children with same sex parents (for example: http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/04/14899/). Marriage ensures the well-being of children. Every child has the right to a mum and a dad whenever possible. Children do best with two biological parents The so called drive for equality should not outweigh the right of children to be raised by a dad and a mum for the optimum of developmental wellbeing.

In approaching this issue we must place the issue before our Lord in prayer and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We must grow in our knowledge on the issues involved and equip ourselves to listen, dialogue and promote the truth with love to all those around us. Yes write to your Federal Member of Parliament. (See Bishop’s Article). We must rid ourselves of all unchristian and homophobic attitudes and language towards people of same sex attraction. Finally and very importantly all married couples and parents must be prepared to renew the gift of their faith in God and grow in that faith in our Maronite Parish, living out the sacred and wonderful calling of their marriage with their God-given mission to be parents leading

Fr Tony Sarkis

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