The Star of Jesus

Dear Parishioners,
As we continue our journey towards Christmas, following the shining star of Bethlehem which leads us to our Saviour and Prince of Peace, let us reflect on its radiance and the hope that it transmits in a time when it seems that there is very little hope in our struggling world. It is very fitting that we reflect on the this hope today. United as one Church, we take part in the Day of Solidarity with the Christians of the Middle East, as announced by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. The injustice that is taking place in the Middle East is a tragedy that is unfolding in before our eyes. We are each called to do our little part in standing by the lands and cultures from which our faith and heritage have emerged. Whether it is through prayer or through our time and resources, we must not turn a blind eye to this tragedy.

And the Star of Bethlehem which sparkled in the skies of the Middle East over 2000 years ago, is such a timely example of the way in which our God and Creator always leads us from the darkness into the light. The star not only leads us to our Lord Jesus Christ but it also signifies his presence in our lives because He is the Light. As we prepare for His birth, let us ponder on the following reflections (by Sr Joyce Rupp) this week and in the weeks to come and allow the Star of our Lord to truly help us welcome him into our hearts.

“Let the Star of Hope blaze through discouragement, doubt, and disgruntledness.”
“Let the Star of Kindness radiate through what you think, feel and do today.”
“Let the Star of Laughter sparkle in your eyes and in your smile.”
“Let the Star of Forgiveness draw you nearer to those with whom you are alienated.”
“Let the Star of Joy dance in the corners of your heart that have forgotten to sing.”
“Let the Star of Patience permeate that which you find difficult and irritable.”
“Let the Star of Justice lead you to speak out in order to change an injustice today.”
“Let the Star of Compassion draw into the world’s wide expanse of suffering.”
“Let the Star of Faith beam through you by what you say and do.”
“Let the Star of Love shine through you to the persons you would rather avoid.”
“Let the Star of Peace be a ray of steadfast calmness and tranquillity within you.”
Finally, Let the Light of our Lord Jesus Christ’s humility beam through the darkness of this world and enter into your lives now and always


Fr Tony Sarkis

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