1 April 2020 | “I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed!”” (Romans 8:18)

nurseThe words of Saint Paul in the Epistle of today (Romans 8:12-18) are so real and tangible. As we continue or journey in the Season of Great Lent and as we are about to enter Jerusalem with Jesus on Hosanna Sunday and in this midst of this Coronavirus Pandemic, Saint Paul tells us that “the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed” (Romans 8:18). Yes, what we are going through today is not easy at all. Each one of us is suffering in one way or another and this virus has not differentiated between any of us. However, we who believe have hope in the Resurrection of the Lord and for this reason, we will be able to get through this time of trial because our focus is not on the suffering that we are experiencing, but rather on the glory that we achieve at the end of this suffering. Always remember, that after the Cross, there was and will always be the Resurrection. So today, offer up your suffering to Jesus during this Lenten period and rest assured in the fact that “we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him” (Romans 8:17). We are the children of the Resurrection! Let us pray today for all those doctors and nurses on the front line who are truly suffering and experiencing the agony of seeing others suffering and dying. They are the true heroes of today, they are the true saints of today….

Lord Jesus, you said to your disciples “my time has not yet come, but your time is always here” (John 7:6). Lord, you gave us this life so it can be used for others. Today we pray for all those who give of themselves to the service of others. We pray that you continue to bless the work of the doctors and nurses who are an extension of your hands, feet, and heart in our suffering humanity. We pray that you bless the work of all the counselors and mental health workers who are an extension of the Spirit’s gifts of Counsel, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding; helping those in need during these difficult times. Lord help us to be the light in their lives that shows them that after their suffering, they will bask in the glory of the Resurrection.


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