
Arthur Frome

Tell me about the accident...

I got run over by a drunk driver when I was 8 years old. I stayed in hospital for 6 months, I was unconscious. Doctors gave up hope for my life after 6 months, they took out the life support and told my parents- "If he lives, he lives, if he dies, he dies." Whatever happened, it was God's will. After 4 hours of having no life support, I woke up.

What was it like growing up after the accident?

It was hell. But being around the church made life easier. That's why I am very grateful to be here. It is my life. I am part of the furniture here.

Some people don't let God into their lives.

Those people are losing their lives. God set things for people to do. He knows what you're good at. He knows every hair on your head. He knows what's good for you. People want to take their lives into their hands. And they blame God for it, for their actions.

How can people get more connected to God?

Let God take over in their life. Don't waste your time on pointless things. Be normal, let life be natural. Know that without God, you can't do anything. Without God you can't live a normal life. You don't know what's good for you, but God does.

I always ask myself, why me? But in a funny way, you get the answer by someone else. You might be going through a hard time, then someone else comes along that shows you that they have more trouble than you do. God works in mysterious ways. He works through other people. By meeting other people, you get inspired, it's a beautiful thing here. Its a big Maronite family here, its a second home. We should cherish and build it. Make it bigger. We should help each other, be a big family. Not be knobs to each other. We need to help out with the church

How do you break things up?

Sometimes it can be a bit of a drag.

The funniest thing I ever said; One day I was giving a life testimonial in the hall. Everybody was listening to me, they were into what I was saying about the handicapped, and Mons was next to me, trying to comfort me, he was so serious, everybody was serious. I had to break the ice. I go to them, I had a girlfriend in a wheelchair, we broke up because I pushed her a bit too far. Everybody laughed, but Mons was still serious!

You have to laugh in life. Life is too short. When you laugh, its easier, you take your stress and troubles away.

When people see me, they think I am not happy. I am so happy internally. God gave me everything that I need. I don't have much, but it's more than I deserve. You have to be content in your life. God throws challenges, you gotta keep up with it. You need to adapt and if you cant, you will be left behind.

How would you get someone to be happy like you are?

That's a good question. Just to talk to them, to see what is making it bad. Some people need guidance. Some need a little push. A pat on the back to say hey... you're doing ok. Let go... beautiful job. Some people are lost out there. they need love. They need inspiration and self-confidence.

Do you feel like people pity you?

They feel sorry for me but the main thing is, I don't feel sorry for myself. I don't need sympathy. I am always independent. I try hard to do what I want to do. I don't rely on them. That's what society is. There is no room for handicaps. I have a lot of people that once they saw me the first time, they pitied me. If you cant love the handicaps and not sympathise with them, then what is love? Where is love? You have to have compassion. You need to make them feel like they are one of you, not like they are 'harom' they are just looking for people to make them feel normal. They are people too. They want to be a part of society.

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