We are celebrating the second Sunday of the new liturgical year called Sunday of the Renewal of the Church. Last Sunday as we began the new liturgical year I gave the example that our liturgical year is a spiritual faith journey to the most wonderful destination of eternal life with God, the angels and the saints.

I explained that it is like when we want to travel overseas, we aim to travel to a great destination, to be with great people and see great sights. We are promised there is no greater destination than heaven, to be with the greatest being – God, the Holy Trinity with His angels and saints and the greatest sight of the full glory of God.

In beginning this faith journey we are reminded with the two Sundays of the Church from Jesus’ words “I will build my Church”, that Jesus gives the Church to be our carrier to this eternal destination.

We are given the baptism as our passport and proclaim our faith drawn from the Apostolic faith of Peter and the Apostles, in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of the living God, that is our boarding pass.

The question is: do we appreciate the gift of our Church, especially at the parish level and do we really come aboard? Or do we get caught up in the terminals and the duty free shopping and entertainment?
On this second Sunday of the Renewal, we are called to be renewed and to hear that the journey is underway. I will speak this Sunday on our calling once we are on board – how to participate and experience a part of heaven, the destination, while on the carrier.

As I mentioned last week…the ticket is free…Jesus paid the price on the Cross.
So, hear the announcement to renewal now boarding…have your pass ready and welcome aboard.

Monsignor Shora Maree

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