Our Children must see Jesus in us

At Friday Nights talk for Parents Mr Andrew Mullins the guest speaker told a story of a fellow teacher who was dying of cancer. The night be-fore he passed away Andrew went to visit him in hospital and he shared how he sat up for the last time and spoke to him saying that “our Students must see Jesus in us.” Andrew said he has never forgotten these words. He shared that this must be true for parents as well as teachers. At home our Children need and must see Jesus in us.

I would add that “our Children must see Jesus in us” the Priests, the Sisters, and their fellow parishioners who worship and serve in the Parish Family in all that we say and do. From the way we park to the way we prepare and participate in the Mass and all the Community Events.
Last Sunday, through the commitment of Parents, the dedication of the volunteer Teachers, Mrs Eva Charbel, Sonia Baltasar, Cindy El Sabbagh, Theresa Azzi, Marie Han-na, Rachel Kizana, and Mr Dory Zaouk, and the guidance of their Chaplain Fr Tony Sarkis, 73 of our Children were led to see and experience Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Communion and to receive him with their Parents and family. We pray through the most wonderful power of this Sacrament and the Sacrament of Confession that we as a parish, with the parents, can lead the Children to see Jesus in us and in them every day.

I would also like to acknowledge one of the volunteer teachers who could not be with the team of teachers this year due to ill health, namely Mrs Antoinette Draybi. We know how disappointed she would have been not being able to help out this year and we missed her being with us. We pray for her ongoing recovery to be able to re-join the Volunteer teachers next year and to show the next group of Children, Jesus, through their Love and Commitment in preparing them for First Confession and Holy Communion.

Our Feast Week is a time when our Parish is very specially called to be renewed and celebrate the call to let Jesus be seen in all that we do as we honour the Feast of His Mother’s Assumption. Our Parish Feast Week will be celebrated from Wed 13 August- Sunday 24 August. If you would like to help in any way you can attend the Open Meeting with the Pastoral Council Members on Tues 8 July 8pm in the Centre Level 2 or call Fr Raphael 0401 627 777.
On this Feast Weekend of the Apostles Peter and Paul, we pray the School holidays will be a Joy-filled, Jesus-filled and family and parish community-time and like St’s Peter and Paul we let our Children see Jesus in us.

Monsignor Shora Maree

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